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.plan (working on)

  • Bring Your Own Video: Process your youtube, loom, and other non-intelligent videos
  • Alternative Doc Templates: Add the ability to generate docs for other types of interactions like weekly updates
  • API: Desktop Recording -> Understanding: Hook video and workflow understanding into your app directly

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04.02.2024 - DocGen, Notifications, & More

March has been big with growing users and new use cases. We've heard from you that you want high quality auto-generated docs, easier ways to share, and a simplere onboarding experience, among other things. Here's what we added recently:

  1. DocGen: Auto-generate docs from your recordings. We've made large improvements in creating high quality docs you can drop into your favorite tools like Notion, Confluence, or Github.
  2. Doc view: New doc view to make the generate doc a first class citizen in the view when you share or read.
  3. (bug fix) Comments: can now be seen by anon users,
  4. Notifications: Get notified when someone comments on your recording (along with the ability to unsubscribe)
  5. Mac permissions flow: The old flow was a bunch of popups, we have a single pane to walk through now.
See more here

03.14.2024 - Edits & Comments

Less then one month after launch, we've added new features and spent a lot of time fixing bugs. We're excited to share the latest updates with you and will be sharing more here for future updates from here on out. Key updates:

  1. Comments: Spatial + time based comments for async feedback and programming. Don't just comment in a thread below (or at best inline) a recording, show me on the screen.
  2. Chat Q&A: Fixed some bugs hanging answers, and sped up response with streaming.
  3. Remember Mic and Video choice: Once you pick a default, save that for next time.